The post The experience of Vastness of Being opens with:
When I was around this age of seventeen I was interested in Psychology, Yoga, Otherness. In short I was interested in the Power of the Mind [or lack of it] with the goal to experience those insights people have that is beyond the world of the Physical.
He does not try to write grammatically or formally. By listing the words Psychology, Yoga, and Otherness, he gives the impression that the list doesn’t necessarily stop at Otherness. There is no definitive and between Yoga and Otherness. He also capitalizes each of these words, as well as Power, Mind, and Physical, which connotes significance. He uses capitalization to emphasize these words and convey a sense of greatness. They extend beyond the physical world and are much greater than us. Yet, when speaking about these things, he doesn’t attempt to make himself out to be an expert. He remains very informal, using brackets and speaking as he would in conversation.
The blogger then goes on to say that he has become a dreamer and that he creates idealistic expectations about his life. After listing some books (and links) that contributed to his idealism, he says:
The latter was the icing of the cake, so to speak. Because soon after that I left this path of thinking. Satified. Or not?! At least until today. Today I have the urge to write about my Vision of Otherness based on those people who have sculped me.
His sentences are mostly short. He puts a period between speak and Because to create a pause. He uses lots of periods (and other punctuation) to separate his thoughts. He gives satisfied its own sentence to create a sense of uncertainty about whether he really is satisfied. He questions it (very dramatically- he apparently really wanted to emphasize this doubt). And the next sentence is kind of a hook, drawing his audience to continue reading in order to find out what he means by questioning his satisfaction and what happened today to affect it. He uses the same technique in his post Physiology of Meditation: Sensitization of the nervous system:
It is stated that Atman is the Soul (animation). Because … where there is no Soul there is no Atman. You get it: no breath, no life. It is that simple.
In this case, he uses it to state a seemingly complicated topic in a very simple way. The pauses give the reader a chance to understand what they just read. It also emphasizes how simple the concept actually is so that the reader doesn’t over-think it. This particular blog contains many words that are unfamiliar to most people who do not have a background in science or yoga. The main words are defined in the post in block format, while the other words include links to their Wikipedia definitions.
After defining sensitization and providing a short personal story about public speaking, the post says:
Because this is the link where I want to prove to you that Meditation, Relaxation, Centering your mind are all techniques to train your nervous system to become sensitive. Even running can do bring you in a Alpha state because of the rythm of your running and the physiological changes that take place.
Why running you might ask? Well, everybody knows about the releasing of those endorphins while running.
This is followed by a definition of the word endorphin. Again, he begins a sentence with because and capitalizes significant aspects of yoga. He uses bolding to emphasize a very important point. The entire post is about sensitization and its importance to health, and this one sentence links sensitization to yoga. He then uses running as a metaphor to explain how these techniques make you more sensitive and thus healthier.
This blog is very informative. The blogger does not convey a lot of emotion, but he is certainly talking about something that he is enthusiastic about. He speaks casually and relates his posts to personal experiences.
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