28 January 2009

Just a few reasons why meditating is so good.

Slava Dodonu meditates daily because he enjoys it. Like most people who meditate, he does not realize the countless physical and psychological benefits, and if he does, it is probably not his primary reason to meditate. Meditation gives him a sense of purpose and control:

Before it used to be sleeping and doing daily duties. Now there is more. There is a time in the morning when I am with myself, consciously with myself. It’s neither sleeping nor working. It’s just being with myself. In the evening, the experiences collected during the day are put to rest. All extraneous mental and emotional weight is acknowledged and let go of. I am with myself again.

There seems to be countless other benefits for meditating as well, and the web is full of examples and proof. Efficiency of Meditation to Reduce Blood Pressure talks about Transcendental Meditation, which has been experimentally shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressures significantly. Dr. James W. Anderson, the lead author of the study, believes that
blood pressure reductions of this magnitude would be expected to be accompanied by significant reductions in risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease—without drug side effects.
Meditation and Physiology mentions a study that found monks to have higher electroencephalographic (EEG) activity than healthy subjects who did not meditate. This means that people who meditate are more alert, attentive, and have better functioning cognitive abilities such as memory and intelligence. They also have greater brain mass, according to a study quoted in the blog post Meditation increases grey matter in right hemisphere of the brain. Apparently, meditation slows down deterioration of the prefrontal cortex and, consequently, slows down age-related memory loss.
Let’s return to Slava. Meditation has helped him deal calmly with stressful situations and achieve personal growth. He doesn’t mention neurological or bodily reasons for meditating, probably because he is not aware of the benefits that I have mentioned. By doing something that makes him feel good, he is inadvertently making himself a healthier individual, psychologically and physically.

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