it's all about being in the present moment
feeling and thinking, and being aware of feelings, thoughts, sensations
and just not attaching judgment to any of it
just letting it happen.
accepting it.
i have been trying very hard to be mindful in my daily activities
especially driving, cleaning, and getting ready
and i find that i enjoy these things a lot more.
i feel calm. time moves slower, and i am less anxious.
i do things with more care.
we just miss out on so many of the little things in life
which may not seem like they would matter much
but they do
if you just stop and pay attention to what you are doing
instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past
just do what you are doing.
also, i've been making an effort to do everything slower, and multitask less.
i tend to rush through things, and try to get as much done at one time as possible,
to be efficient.
but i realize i am always tense and anxious.
when i slow down
and just do one thing at a time
and devote all my attention to that one thing
i feel significantly more relaxed.
it may seem like you would get less done.
but really, it's about prioritizing.
do the important things, and really DO them. like, with care.
and that's more productive than half-assing a bunch of things that aren't so important.
i feel like i am so easily distracted when i am trying to work on something
because i stress about the other things that i am thinking about,
so i feel the need to get everything done at one time.
but now i devote myself to one task at a time.
so when i start stressing about something else, i remind myself that i can get to it later when i have more time and attention to devote to that thing, but the present moment is for the current task.
and it really reduces the tension.
life is so lovely when you slow down and just take notice of the little things.
Aryan Invasion Theory, Fact or Fiction?
5 days ago